5 Songs That Helped Me Through Difficult Moments

Music holds a special place in my faith. In fact, there have been several times in my life when God used certain well-placed songs to get me through difficult seasons. This is a list of five songs that have gotten me through trying times.

1. Take Courage – Kristene DiMarco

After graduating with my degree in Theology in the Philippines, we made our way back to Canada for a fresh start. That fresh start included a long search for a permanent full-time job as I waited to start my career as a full-time minister. My manager (who is the best manager, by far) from my previous food manufacturing job was gracious enough to offer me temporary employment. Unfortunately, at the time, the company was undergoing changes. And since I had the lowest seniority, my work hours often fluctuated. 

There was one week when I felt especially discouraged due to being scheduled to work only twice. We had bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a car to fill with gas. I decided to go for a walk and put my earphones on when this song played. Tears came down from my eyes. It was a mixture of feeling like a failure of a husband, pleading to God for a better outcome, but most of all feeling disappointed that I forgot that God is the One who fights for me. After the song, a spirit of renewing came over me knowing that I can take courage because my God will never leave me nor forsake me.

Key lyrics: 
And You who hold the stars, Who call them each by name
Will surely keep Your promise to me, that I will rise in Your victory

2. Hold Me Now – Kirk Franklin

It was the summer of 2011 and my wife Jeana, who was my girlfriend at that time, recently left Canada to teach in South Korea. My parents and siblings just moved down to Florida the year prior. My other sister was studying on the other side of Canada. I just finished my diploma in a career I realized I didn’t want to be in. 

I felt alone, lonely, and directionless. I was walking late at night to clear my head when this song came on. 

It was as if God was talking to me that at that moment, I was not alone because He was holding me. Though I can’t be where my family was, He had a purpose in putting me at the exact place and at the exact time. I also didn’t need to feel directionless because it was He who was directing my path. All I needed to do was to let go and let Him hold me. That moment gave me a renewed sense of energy for my calling and reminded me that no matter where I go, no matter how I felt, I was never alone for He is there holding me.

Key lyrics: 
Don’t you worry, God is faithful and He cares.
About the tears you drop and the pain you feel – He’s there.

3. Weep With Me – Rend Collective

I recently posted the long story of arriving at my true calling. If you haven’t read it, click here! In the middle of that story is a feeling of mourning, realizing that all the dreams and hard work of ministering in the church in which I grew up was not a part of God’s plan. Couple that with the way it all unravelled, and I was left feeling hurt, betrayed, and lost. I was driving home from my job when this song came on. Up until that point, I didn’t know how to feel. I had a full-time job so I thought life can go on, at least temporarily.

However, when this song came on the speakers, it released emotions that I didn’t know I had been pushing away (enneagram 9, amirite?). I didn’t know that I was mourning the loss of my dreams. This song allowed me to release all those emotions because I was finally reminded that God weeps with me. I was reminded that although I was being hard-headed for insisting my way into the church in which I wanted to work, He is still sad when I’m sad. Being reminded of this allowed me to fully mourn that loss. How great is it that we have a God that empathizes with us? 

Key lyrics: 
What’s true in the light is still true in the dark
You’re good and You’re kind and You care for this heart
Lord I believe, You weep with me

4. O Come to the Altar – Elevation Worship

This song has extra significance for me, not only because of its message but also the era that God ushered through this song. As a musician who appreciates contemporary worship music, studying in a heavily conservative school in the Philippines was tough. I often felt attacked when the songs that really help me in my walk with God are often disparaged by professors and fellow students. Anything contemporary was viewed as demonic in origin due to arbitrary rules that traditionalists have put on music (even when those rules are not found anywhere in Scripture). It was difficult to live out my faith outwardly when everyone seemed to despise my preference for worship.

However, God is ever faithful in sending me like-minded people who appreciated the beauty of contemporary worship. Three years of being on campus allowed me the time to be surrounded by a small group of individuals who were also passionate about praise and worship. Several events that are too long to tell led to us holding a spirit-filled, passionate, and awe-inspiring worship event outside of campus. The main song we centred our worship on was O Come to the Altar, but other songs were spontaneously sung, testimonies were unexpectedly shared, and a ministry suddenly appeared. That worship session made way for other ones. Worship Circle was born. God created a space where we can be ourselves, a space where we can feel safe, and a space where we can unashamedly praise Him from the top of our lungs.

Key lyrics: 
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling

5. Grace to Grace – Hillsong Worship

Every Christian goes through ups and downs. And if we’re not careful, we can let our religiosity help us forget about the grace of Christ. Although it may not have felt like I was having a difficult time, in hindsight I let myself tread through dangerous waters by focusing on my goodness and forgetting the importance of God’s grace. 

And how beautiful is it that even in our moments of pride, God reaches out and reminds us to turn back to him?

I was on my way to an evangelistic event to deliver a message to get people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. I formulated my sermon carefully, chose the right words, and had the perfect hook. But it was the wrong message because it wasn’t coming from God but from me. This song came on during my ride and I just realized the level of my depravity. I cried. I balled. How could I ever forget about God’s grace? 

I was so worried about converting people that I didn’t realize God was trying to reach me. I was so preoccupied with convicting people that I forgot that I haven’t allowed myself to be convicted of God’s grace in a long while. I was so passionate about people being baptized but forgot to immerse myself in the presence of God. 

I forgot that I needed grace. 

And I still do. Every day.

God used this song to remind me of that. 

Key lyrics:
How wonderful, how glorious
My Savior’s scars victorious
My chains are gone, my debt is paid
From death to life and grace to grace

Music is an important expression of faith. Some claim that a song to God is a prayer in itself. If you let it, it can make a huge impact on your faith. These five songs have impacted mine. What songs have made a difference in your faith journey? What specific lyrics has God used to bring you through difficult times? Take some time to listen to a song or two today. You never know what God will speak into your life.

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About Marc

I write to bless, encourage, and inspire others to live their fullest lives and to promote a life-long relationship with Jesus, the one who changed my life forever!

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