11 Contemporary Worship Songs I Love to Sing

Worship music has played a big part in my faith journey. I was blessed to have parents who made sure that I grew up loving music. And I do believe that God instilled this love of music in my heart as something that has led to my passion for leading people in worship. Despite the thousands of modern worship music that exist today, I give you this list of songs that I always love singing, whether in a congregation or during my personal time with God: 

1. King of My Heart – John Mark and Sarah McMillan

If I could have a song on every single set list, on every single worship service, this song would be it. It’s simple yet profound. Because of my own human and sinful nature, I need constant reminders that God is good and that He will never let me down, lyrics which are repeated over and over in this song. I love me some good repetitions. 

Key Lyrics: “You are good.”

2. Hosanna – Hillsong United

This song was one of the first songs that stood out to me when I first began to delve into the Christian Contemporary Music scene. This song stands out to me because of its yearning for true revival, leading to transformed hearts and shifted focus toward Kingdom living. We can only truly sing “hosanna in the highest,” when we align our beliefs with our actions. 

Key lyrics: “Break my heart for what breaks Yours.”

3. Hosanna (Praise is Rising) – Paul Baloche

Paul Baloche is one of my favourite worship leaders, and this is my favourite song of his. It’s a declaration to God that we praise Him with all our hearts and minds as we welcome His presence into our hearts. It’s a really powerful call that instructs the worshipper on the proper posture when approaching God in worship.

Key lyrics: “In Your Kingdom, broken lives are made new.”

4. Reason to Praise – Bethel Worship

I love this song because it reminds me that our worship isn’t contingent on the circumstance in which we find ourselves. He is God, in control, and wants what’s best for us. In every circumstance, He is fighting for our good. And ultimately, He has provided salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. In everything, we have a reason to praise. 

Key lyrics: “This one thing I know, You’re still on Your throne
So whatever I’m feeling I’ve still got a reason to praise.”

5. Man of Sorrows – Hillsong Worship

This song always brings me to tears because of the pain that Jesus experienced on the cross. The lyrics are so powerful in describing humanity’s rebellion and its need for a Saviour, leading to Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice. However, it also gives me hope because Jesus was resurrected and through Him, we have life eternal. This is the gospel summarized in a song.

Key lyrics: “Whom the Son sets free, oh, is free indeed.”

6. Behold (Then Sings My Soul) – Hillsong Worship

Anyone who claims that contemporary worship songs are too simple and watered down hasn’t been paying attention to the new(ish in this case?) music that’s out there. This song is steeped in theological ideas from the Father’s love, the incarnation of Jesus, and the nature of the Holy Spirit, to the eventual second coming of Christ. I do love this song because it perfectly paints the nature of the Trinity and how each one had a part to play in the salvation of humanity. 

Key lyrics: “Behold the Lord our God will lead us home.”

7. Joy – Housefires

One of the most beautiful ideas that I find in the Scriptures is the hope that we have despite our brokenness. Yes, we are flawed, we are weak, and we are sinful. But the beauty lies in God choosing to love us even though we are imperfect. The beauty in our brokenness is that we aren’t intended to rely on ourselves but on God’s perfect and righteous love. In our imperfection, He is perfect. In our weakness, He is strong. In our faithlessness, He is faithful. I love singing this song because of the first line which says, “There’s beauty in my brokenness,” and though we go through ups and downs, God gives us joy to face anything life throws at us. 

Key lyrics: “There’s beauty in my brokenness.”

8. Your Name – Paul Baloche

Another one of Paul Baloche’s songs, I love it because it gives attributes to God and His name. It’s another simple yet theologically rich song that reminds us that He is love, a strong tower, a shelter like no other, and that no other name in this world has the power to save other than the name of Jesus. 

Key lyrics: “Nothing has the power to save but Your Name.”

9. How Deep the Father’s Love – Stuart Townend

Stuart Townend’s beautiful song is another theological masterpiece that paints a beautiful picture of the Father’s love in sending Jesus to earth to be the perfect sacrifice. We often sing about the cross in the perspective of Jesus and the pain He suffered in the whole ordeal of the gospel, but oftentimes the pain that the Father suffered seems to be an afterthought. But it is because of the Father’s love for us that He sent Jesus, His Son, the second person in the Godhead, to die on the cross. It is widely believed in Christianity, as stated in this song, that the Father turned His face away because He couldn’t bear the sight of His Son’s suffering. A part of Him died that day so He could bring us back to Himself. That is a God that I want to pledge my life to!

Key lyrics: “That He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.”

10. Not Afraid – Jesus Culture

There are many things in this life that brings me anxiety so I need constant reassurance that God is by my side. I love this song because not only do the lyrics remind us that we have no reason to be afraid because God is victorious in everything, but these lyrics are paired with a stylistically confident instrumental that personally gives me swagger over the enemy! It sounds funny, but listen to the song and you’ll see what I mean. We can have confidence, not that we can overcome anything, but because God has overcome everything.

Key lyrics: “My God will make a way, so I am not afraid.”

11. Stay and Wait – Hillsong United

This is one of the lesser-known songs by Hillsong but definitely one of my favourite songs to sing. This song is riddled with questions that are only answered by Jesus Christ. It’s another song that helps listeners know that God is in control and that we can be still though everything around us seems to crumble. I want to have that kind of faith, where nothing in this world can ever make me waver in my faith in God, no matter how bleak the circumstance.

Key lyrics: “Heart on Your heart and my eyes on Yours.”

In the whole spectrum of Christian living, worship involves more than songs. However, there is no doubt that a big part of worship is done through singing praises to God. I pray that in the midst of life’s chaos, you remember to sing about God’s goodness over your life. What are your favourite worship songs to sing?

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About Marc

I write to bless, encourage, and inspire others to live their fullest lives and to promote a life-long relationship with Jesus, the one who changed my life forever!

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